1K4K Scholarship Program
With our community donors and sponsors, “Seed” Scholarships of $1000 are invested into an index fund that follows a kindergarten class through 12th grade. By graduation, the “Seed” amount has grown to provide scholarship funds to winning applicants.
For 12 years, the 1K4K fund serves as a powerful teaching tool, a living lab of money letting students experience the market first-hand and in real-time. It brings to life concepts such as volatility, global events, disasters, interest rates, risk/reward tolerance, timing, and patience.
Activities and study topics are appropriate for each grade level, starting small in kindergarten and growing in difficulty each year. By the end of high school, students understand the power of compound interest and are prepared to confidently step into their personal financial futures!
The first 1K4K was successfully launched in December of 2019, and commitments are in place to fund an additional classroom every year.

2K4U! Scholarship Program
High School Juniors are eligible to apply for this Scholarship which includes a $2000 award, along with Senior Year Projects to keep learning, prepare for college, and give back. Funds go directly to the college of choice for those selected. During their senior year, these winners participate in specified projects to further their financial knowledge and to influence and mentor others.
As part of our commitment to change the story, and to recognize historical disparities of opportunity and access, our 2020 vision is to focus on students of color for 2K4U! with the majority of the recipients also being women of color.
Writing blogs about their analysis and decisions made for phones, cars, college loans,living expenses are shared via social media and to the SNP website. They mentor younger students by reading The Three Pigs Trilogy and leading a discussion.
Meetings with professionals in the community are also part of the program.